Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This Weeks Music School: Steroid Organ Chords

For today's music school we are going to look at steroid organ chords. These chords are just too phat which means that there is just so much going on in the chord. Here are just three examples of some organ chords.

Believe or not. The organ is one of the hardest instruments to play because it requires the third element which is the use of the foot.

As an organ player, I find that with the use of the third elements which is your foot allows you to have a little more freedom to create those organ chords.

In today's post we are going to discussing Steroid Organ Chords. I have received many emails from many musicians who want to know some organ chords. We are going to look at a couple of them.

In the Key of Db

PLEASE READ:For the chords, the left hand will be color coded in a light green and the right hand will be in a violet purple.

Your first steroid chord revolves around the minor and we will be focusing on 1 which is Db

Left Hand: F-Ab-C-Eb
Right Hand: Ab-C-Eb-Ab
Bass Pedal: Db

Heres what the left hand chord should look like:

This is what the right hand chord should look like down below

The bass is Db

The next chord is going to focusing on the 4 which is Gb

Left Hand: F-Ab-C
Right Hand: Eb-Ab-C-Eb-Ab
Bass Pedal: Gb

Here is what the left hand chord will look like:

Here what the right hand chord will look like:

The next chord that we are going to look at is the 5 chord which is Ab

Left Hand: F-G-Bb-C
Right Hand: Eb-G-C
Bass Pedal: Ab

**Note that this chord is going to be a bit of a stretch.

Here is what the left hand chord will look like:

Here is what the right hand chord will look like:

The bass is Ab

Here you are just a few steroid organ chords in the key of Db.

Please use extreme caution when you are playing this chords because they may be too PHAT. I hope you enjoy. Also we want to say a big thanks to H&P for the chord software.

Take Care