Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Passing Notes On Bass

**Credit for the image goes to the author

Just wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone for sending in their emails, they are amazing. So continue to send in your emails and questions.

This week, just wanted to cover some more bass material since everyone has been asking about bass and how to use passing notes on the bass. We are going to focus on the key of F. This is only because it's a key that is not talked about as much. However, this mini lesson can apply to all 12 keys. You can use these as gospel passing notes on the bass, jazz passing notes on bass or for any other type of genre.

For example: In the Key of F

F Scale

F G A Bb C D E F
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We are going to be referring back an forth with the number system just to make it a little easier. If you are not familiar with the number system here is just a quick summary. There are 8 notes in the scale and each one is assigned a number from 1-8. Eight represents 1 which is the same thing.

There are a variety of passing notes that you can use on the bass to get from one destination to another.

Here are just a few ideas:

To get to the 1 which is F

2(G) to 5(C) to #1(F#) then 1 (F)

6(D) to 7(E) to 1(F)

**Note: The letters in the brackets represent the notes in the scale. Be aware that some of the notes may not be in the scale and maybe a half step above or below the note. For example: #2 means a half step above the 2. In the key of F the 2 is G and the sharp 1 is F#.

To get to the 6 which is D

3(A) to 6(D)

#4(B) to 5(C) to 6(D)

7(E) to 3(A) to 6(D)

To get to the 5 which is C

#4(B) to 5(C)

**With this next passing note on bass you need to make sure that you are in sync with your keyboard player or else this won't work.

To substitute for the 5 which is C

Use the flatted 7 which is Eb

In summary, here are just a few passing notes on bass to get to your destination. Please remember that you need to be in sync with your keyboard player to make all of these passing notes work and to also be in time. Also, if you have any questions or concerns send us an email.

Leave your comments down below. Thanks