March 15,2011
Greeting Fellow Readers and Musicians,
First off I just want to announce that I was away in New York for a convention and that I am sorry to those readers who missed my last post. Since I just got back this morning, I just want to talk about an email that I received over the weekend from a fellow musicians and I want to answer his question on this blog post. Welcome to our new segment called Ask Bizmoderator. This is where I will answer any questions that our fellow readers have.
It comes from a fellow reader named Samson in Nigeria and he writes:
"Please can you help me with phat chords formations, explaining some more on tritones, and how to use these chords in a real life situation"
I would just like to say thank you Samson for that wonderful email.
In our last post we talked a little bit about Tritones and some examples of how to use them in a 7-3-6 progression. Here's the link to that post.
12 Days of Music- Day 3 Tritones
Here is just a review:
Tritones are the 3rd and 7th of a chord. The most efficient and musical method of right hand fill for any 7th chord is to add the Tritones below the melody. The left hand only has to provide the root of the chord.
Here is just breakdown of all the tritones in the 12 keys
C tritone: Bb E
C# tritone: B F
D tritone: C F#
D# tritone: C# G
E tritone: D G#
F tritone: D# A
F# tritone: E Bb
G tritone: F B
G# tritone: F# C
A tritone: G C#
A# tritone: G# D
B tritone: A D#
The most common applications of the tritone are used as passing chords or as fillers in songs. For example, If you in the key of C you can use the C tritone and bounce between the C and C# tritone if you are playing some old school music.
Triads over Tritones
Lets stay in the Key of C try this movement:
A 1-4 movement going from C to F
L.H/ R.H
C/ B-D-E-G (C major 9)
F/E-G-A-C (F major 9)
Note: Replace the C chord with the C tritone in the left hand
E-Bb/D-G-Bb (G minor)
or E-Bb/ Eb-Ab-C (Ab Major)
then move to the F major 9
Tritones can be used in any type of music however they are mostly featured in Gospel Music. I love to use them in funk, hip hop and R&B music. It adds more depth to your playing.
Here are some fantastic practical applications of triads over tritones. Good Luck Samson and let me know how it goes.
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Until Next Time