As you can see we have done some updates to The Business and Musicians Forum. The first changes was that the Musician's Store has been updated with a few new products.We recently received messages from fellow musicians who were tired of the same sounds that they have on their keyboard and wanted to update them. We have added a Neo-Soul Rhodes download as well as a MKS-20 Roland download. These are now in the Musician's Store as well as some other goodies. We have reached Day 3 of the 12 Days of Music and today we are going to give you the gift of tritones. In our previous post entitled "What is a Tritone?" we touched a little upon tritones.
Just as a review:
Tritones are the 3rd and 7th of a chord. The most efficient and musical method of right hand fill for any 7th chord is to add the Tritones below the melody. The left hand only has to provide the root of the chord.
They can also be used as a passing chord or as a one chord in certain situations in gospel music, jazz, rock and many more genres
The most common movements can be:
and many more
Here is just a brief example of the power of tritones at work
For example the use of a tritone in the key of Db (C#)
F B/F-Ab-Db
This is a good example of a one chord in the key of Db
In a case of a movement for example 3-6-2 in the same key it would be
Eb A/ D-G-B (3 chord which is F)
D-Ab/Db-Gb-Bb (6th chord which is Bb)
***Basically this is a half step down because tritones goes in 4ths
Finally the two chord can simply be
Eb-Bb/Gb-Bb-Db-F (2 chord which is Eb)
We will be using this movement later on in the coming days
For more information on How to Play Tritones and How to apply them in your playing we highly recommend that you check out Tritone Xtravaganza
Click Here To Learn The Secret Weapon
Best Wishes and keep watching for Day 4 of the Twelve Days of Music for more tips, surprises and more!