Friday, December 17, 2010

12 Days of Music: Day 4 - Crazy Chord Replacements

Welcome to Day 4 of the Twelve Days of Music. It's been a hectic week because I have been trying to finish up my Christmas shopping as all of us are. The fact still remains that I am not done. I hope you all are doing better than me. Anyways, today we are going to be talking about crazy chord changes and replacements and we will be revisiting this on Monday December 20.

We are going to be in the Key of Db (C#)

As we know in music you mission is to get to your destination the phattest way you know how. One of the popular movements in the 3-6-2 and in some cases you can flip the 3-6-2 in many different ways. This can give you different chord substitutions and inverstions

One of the ways we are going to flip the 3-6-2 progression is by changing the notes and chords itself.

3-6-2 is essentially F to Bb to Eb

We are going to change this to the 4-6-2

The F will now become Gb and this will be the chord in the right hand

Gb/ACEbGb ----------->This will become the 4 chord

The 6th chord which is usually a minor will now become a diminshed chord:

Bb-Eb/Ab-B-D-F ---------->This will become the 6 chord

Finally the 2 chord which is the Eb will remain a minor and here are the several options to go with it:

1) Db-F-Gb-Bb/Db-Eb-F-Ab ---------> You can invert the right hand to give it a fuller and richer sound


This is just one example of some Crazy Chord Replacements instead of playing the regular chords. Remember to practice and strengthen your left and right hand!
