Welcome to the first week in January. It's a new year and a new day and I just want to say that I love music and I love singing because it's all around us and we hear it everyday on the radio, tv and everywhere we go. One of the things that we need to realize is that everyone can learn how to sing whether your a beginner or and expert. It just takes practice and mental strength just like any sport. At The Business and Musicians Forum we are exploring different and one of the things that people ask is How Can I Learn How To Sing?
The answer to that question is a difficult one because different people learn by different ways. One of the things that I can tell you if you are starting out is that you should not do the the following if you are just starting out.
Bad Technique # 1---Don't sing from your chest
When you first start out you need to be patient and just like you are talking you need to sing take breathes as needed but you DON'T sing from your chest. Where will the air go if you are singing form your chest and also your voice will sound bland and distorted and you don't want that. Your voice needs to be smooth and straight. It's a common mistake that people have. They also try to sing like they are talking. This is a No-No as well. There will be no expression coming from your voice and that is a very important element in singing. Don't scream this will damage your voice.
Bad Technique # 2---Staggered Breathing
One of the worst vocal techniques for a beginner is to take small breathes after every word. This is what the professionals call staggered breathing. This is a horrible idea because you will be struggling for air and you will be passing out and getting light headed. The key here is to take a large enough breath after 2 phases or more and extending that breath for a long period of time. Try not to take shortcuts in your breathing. I can understand if you have to take a breath after 3 words but don't shortcut it because it will make your singing sound choppy and diluted.
Bad Vocal Technique # 3---Body Position
This is one of the most important things that a vocal coach will say because body position will dictate how you will sound. Don't slouch because it will misdirect the flow or air. Try not to move around too much because where ever you move your mouth will follow. Your body position will dictate where your sound will go. You need to stand up straight and sing will confidence because it shows that you have control.
I hope that these three bad vocal techniques will teach you the proper way to sing. Learn from these and try not to do these because it could be bad for your voice. These are things that singers struggle with and you need to be able to learn from their mistakes. Don't have these horrible vocal techniques. These are also some great factors to consider when you are doing vocal recording as well.
To learn how to sing the proper way from an expert visit
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