For this week's music school we are going to focus on a different instrument bass. I have been receiving many emails over the past couple of weeks from different musicians with their different requests. Today we are going to talk about the science of chording and to give some instruction on chording.
As we all know there is a science behind music and that not just a skill.
Major bass guitar chords like all chords are made up of 3 or more notes. For it to be a chord you also have to play all the notes at the same time. If you play them one at a time it's called an Arpeggio.
Major Chord Formula (1,3,5)
For example, C Major Chord (C,E,G)
Advanced C major chord (A,D,G) 9,12,14
You can also invert the chord
Keep in mind that every bass is different from a 4 string to a 6 string.
So now you know the basics why not pick up your bass and take a shot at it. Try moving the chord to make different chords. With practice and patience you will soon master ever major chord on bass.
Bass Tip: Bass guitar chords tend to work better higher up the neck. If you play too low the sound will be distorted and not too good!!\
This is just the starting to learn bass chord progressions, and to learn bass lines as well.
To learn more on bass techniques, bass ear training and the art of chording on bass visit:
Urban Bass Techniques
All the Best
P.S. If you want to submit a question and have it answered on our website go to:
Credit for the image goes to the author