For more information about Musician Breakthrough visit: GospelMusicSecrets.com
The second round for Musician Breakthrough has just appeared on Youtube. One of the first is David Jackson Teaching a Contemporary West Coast Shout Pattern which is really awesome. I really like what David is doing. The movements that he does in his playing are amazing. This is really going to be a great series. We are not sure when it will be release maybe before or after the New Year. The challenge is going to be conquering all this material. Whether you an intermediate or advanced player it's going to take time to go through all of this.
Round One is simply playing. Sit and relax and watch them show their unique styles. Round Two is on teaching some of the techniques and concepts that were demonstrated in the video. Round Three is a interview with each musician.
Musician Breakthrough
Other musicians in the Musician Breakthrough Series are Stan Lewis, Jason Freeman, Jeremy Jeffers,Marcus Hodge, Kevin Nickelson, and Javad Day.
This is just one of the top seven musicians each with their own expertise in their playing.Check out David Jackson playing below.
For more information on this go to: GospelMusicSecrets.com