Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 Mental Mind Tricks to Reach Your Music Goals Faster

When it comes to learning anything, I can probably come up with a hundred excuses on why I shouldn't need to know anything new. As a person, who has learned about marketing it all comes down to perception and setting yourself up to success. That's easier said than done. Most times when we want to come achieve our goal we become our own worst enemy. That's forces us to take even longer to reach the goal.

With that said, I want to share three simple techniques on how to set yourself us for success an lead you on the path to success with your music goals.

1. Your Motivation

What are you really trying to obtain? As human beings, we are not completely truthful with ourselves. You need to search deep within yourself to find out where the motivation will come from. Are you motivated by the passion that comes from doing something you love or are you driven by the reward that will come when you finally complete that goal.  For example, learning to build a bench because you need somewhere to sit. \

When you trying to motivate yourself; try not to see this as a meanless chore. Find a deeper meaning that will keep you going for the long run. When you are personally invested in something your passion will always shine through.

Try to find that end of the rainbow and find ways to motivate yourself. Like creating a goal board with a picture of your goal. When you take hold of your motivation, you will feel more in control.

2. Fixing Your Mindset Is Key

Simply put: When you are trying to keep the motivation going, your mindset is the most important thing.

When your mindset is not right, even the littlest things can set you off track.

 Remember the saying: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

What you mind is saying is: If you think your going to fail, you will fail. There are to many times when the mind is focus on that one thing and will limit the potential of growth that you could have. When you think about growth it will challenge those things that are constant.  For example: "If I don't try then what was the point?".

Sometimes you need to suspend the disbelief and the second guessing. When you do that you leave yourself open to all possibilities that are out there in the world.

3. Partner Up

Wondertwin Powers Activate!

It's no fun trying to achieve your goals by yourself. Try to make time to share your experiences with a friend because that will help increase your motivation when it comes to reaching all your music goals. Trying having a practice session with a friend who knows your goals and will help you when things get rough. When you share your goal with a friend it's makes it more worthwhile and it doesn't seem like such a struggle to get to the top of that mountain.

Take Care