May 16,2011
Today an interesting topic was brought strictly on inspiration because I get a liot of questions about musicianship. Well the question that we are bringing you today fellow readers and listeners is what qualities are needed to become a musicians.
Here is just a brief list of some of the ideas and thoughts our team has come up with in terms of becoming a musician.
-Practice Habits
-Support Network
-Time Management
There are so much more things that we can talk about in terms of what it takes to become a musician, producer, or an artist. These are just some of the traits that our team felt to be valuable to musicianship.
However, one of the things that we want to talk about is passion and time mangement. In becoming a musician one of the important things to take note is that passion places a huge role in what you want to create. Whether it is a piece of music, learning a new guitar riff or creating a collaberation with a few local artists, passion is what is going to fuel your fire. No one is going to tell you how to become a great musician but one person can tell you that the passion, drive and commitment that you have to your art will definately show in your work.
Our final thought is on Time Mangement and the reason why we are focusing on this is because I am a musician personally and sometimes I spend about 20-25 hours a week practicing either a keyboard solo or learning a song for a concert that I am performing in. Being mindful of the time that you have will show where your priorities lay. Keep in mind that there are 86.400 seconds or 1,440 minutes in a day which results in 24 hours. If you are having difficulties with time management one of my personal suggestions is that you keep track of where your time is going. A good example is to budget your practice time. For example, practice about 1-2 hours if thats all you can fit in your schedule. The key is working with what you have and making use of the valuable resouerce we call "time".
In short, becoming a musician is hard work however once you realize that you can grow from your different learning experiences and use those experiences to make better music it becomes a great asset for your musicianship.
Let us know how you feel about musicianship and your experiences in become a better musician. Leave us a comment or send us an email