Good Morning/Afternoon
Happy Long Weekend to All!!! We just want to thank everyone over the summer for visiting the blog. We are currently working on some new projects for the site and we look forward to seeing what's in store for the fall. It's been a while since I have posted a Music School Update. We have been getting a lot of response from hungry musicians wanting more tips and tricks.
Here's just a quick lesson on Ditones
The Ditone is the little brother to the Tri-tone. You can use the ditone in many different ways. Di meaning two whole tones. For example C to E is two whole tones and that would be your bass and the chord on the right hand is a suspended.
Here are the two most popular ways to use the Ditone
1. As a passing chord
2. As a one chord (i.e a starting chord)
Here is the formula for the ditones a one chord
For example in the Key of Db
As a passing chord you can use the ditone on these chords. These just happen to be the most popular because of the fact that you can use these in any scenario.
1. As a passing chord on the 7
2. As a passing chord to the 3
3. As a passing chord to the 6
4. As a one chord
1.As a passing chord going from the 1 to the 7
L.H/R.H (7 chord)
2.As a passing chord on the 3 leading to the 4 chord
L.H/R.H (3 chord)
3.As a passing chord leading to the 6. You would play this chord leading to the 6.
4. Now you can also use the Ditone as a regular one chord.
Note: To learn more about the Ditone and the Tritone go to:
The Secrets to The Ditone and Tritone
P.S. If you want to submit a question and have it answered on our website go to: