Hello Fellow Musicians and Music Lovers
Here is today's music school and we are going to be doing another post on Phat Chords. In the past week we have gotten many emails form musicians who want to know more ways to PHATTEN up the progression that we did in Db last week. We had to delay the Music School because of the responses that we have been getting from musicians. For those who missed it look for the Music School Posts on July 30. They want to know different alternatives to the 2-1-7-3-6 progression.
The first chord progression that you hear is from the previous posting on this chord progression then the ones after that are the new chord progressions
Key of Db
2-1-7-3-6 progression
Left Hand/Right Hand
Db-F-Gb-Bb/Db-F-Ab (Eb-2)
Db-Ab/Db-Eb-Ab (Db-1)
Bb-E/A-D-Gb-A (C-7)
A-Eb/Ab-Db-F or A-Eb/Db-Eb-Ab (F-3)
Ab-C-Db-F/Ab-Bb-C-Eb (Bb-6)
For the 6th chord you can make it a Bb Major 9. This will give it a major sound
Also I am going include a riff/run for the 6th chord
Bb,Ab,F,Eb,Db,C,Bb and continue down
Any combination will work so that you are able to mix up the notes
Try out these chords and let us know what you think!
P.S. If you want to submit a question and have it answered on our website go to: